Join OBA to support breastfeeding in Ohio!

You can support the Ohio Breastfeeding Alliance in an active or supporting role. Active members are expected to attend meetings and serve on committees. Active members may vote and run for committee leadership positions. Supporting members contribute to and support the goals of OBA.

OBA Memberships are fully tax-deductible as support for the organization. Ohio Breastfeeding Alliance is an federal tax-exempt public charity under IRC Section 501(c)(3), and registered as a charitable organization with the State of Ohio.

To join, please fill out and submit the form below. On the next page, you will find instructions for submitting your membership dues (via PayPal or check). Our dues structure is detailed further down this screen.

    (All fields marked with a * are required.)


    Please check ONE of the following:votingnon-voting

    Voting Member: I have read and understand the Criteria for Active Members, and agree to adhere to those requirements. I support the mission, goals, and objectives of the Ohio Breastfeeding Alliance, and further testify that neither myself nor my organization has a primary purpose to market or sell products or services in support of infant formula feeding.

    Non-voting Member: I support the mission, goals and objectives of the Ohio Breastfeeding Alliance, and further testify that neither myself nor my organization has a primary purpose to market or sell products or services in support of infant formula feeding.

    If you have any questions relating to membership, or if you have any difficulties filling out this form, please contact us.

    Voting Members may vote and run for Leadership Committee positions. Active members, whether an organization or individual, must:

    • Support the Ohio Breastfeeding Alliance Vision, Mission and all of its Goals and Objectives.
    • Not be an individual nor organization whose primary purpose is to market or sell products or services in support of infant formula feeding.
    • Promote the WHO/UNICEF Innocenti Declaration (1990 version and 2005 update)
    • Attend at least half (1/2) of the scheduled meetings annually or meet alternative requirements in lieu of attendance, which are to:
      • Send a prepared alternate if unable to attend a meeting.
      • Remain in contact with a specified member of the Leadership Committee, and communicate continued active interest and activity, such as active participation on a committee or OBA project.
    • Participate on at least one committee.


    Non-Voting Members:

    • Support the Ohio Breastfeeding Alliance Vision, Mission and all its Goals and Objectives.
    • Not be an individual nor organization whose primary purpose is to market or sell products or services in support of infant formula feeding.
    • Contribute and share resources, such as:
      • Expertise
      • In-kind services
      • Financial support.
    • Participate on OBA committee(s) or task force(s).

    Membership Categories and Fees:

    Individual Membership $10 (1 year)
    $25 (3 years)
    Non-profit Organization Representative:
    BF-specific without organizational treasury No Charge
    BF-specific with organizational treasury $10
    < $50,000/yr
    > $50,000/yr
    For-profit Organization Representative $75
    Individual Membership $10 (1 year)
    $25 (3 years)
    Non-profit Organization Representative $50
    For-profit Organization Representative $75